Layer 1 PhasmoFriend @Edjee

Ghost options: Banshee, Poltergeist, Jinn, Spirit, Wraith, Phantom, Mare, Revenant, Shade, Demon, Yurei, Oni, Yokai, Hantu, Goryo, Myling, Obake, Onryo, Raiju, The Twins, The Mimic, Moroi, Thaye, Deogen

I have...

I don't have...

High Danger


Can no longer hunt at any sanity, now the demon does this.

Banshees will begin a hunt after being in line of sight for 20 seconds. Targets one player at a time until the player dies or leaves the building. Crucifixes are effective at a radius of 5 meters instead of 3.

Low Danger


Poltergeists will regularly throw items and can throw them more powerfully than other ghosts. Sometimes they will throw all items in a room at once. They can also close several doors at once.

High Danger


Jinns will become more active when you are in their favorite room. They can run quicker than players when they are far away from them, but get slower once close. They can drop the sanity of a player by 25% if they are in the same room or within 3 meters. Turn off the fusebox to stop them from using this power. EMF will now show up at the fusebox when the Jinn uses its power.

Low Danger


Spirits lack any defining qualities, but can often emulate other kinds of ghost. They are the most common kind of ghost. Spirits become more active as your sanity drops. Smudging will stop spirits from hunting for 180 seconds.

Low Danger


Wraiths make less walking noises and do not leave UV footprints. Salt will stop the wraith from hunting if it steps in it.

Low Danger


Phantoms will drop your sanity twice as fast as other ghosts when you are looking at them. Phantoms can clone another player and walk around as them briefly. Phantoms will disappear if you take a photo of them, but will not stop hunting.

Medium Danger


Can hunt at 60% sanity (if lights are off in ghost room)!

Mares hunt more frequently in the dark and will try to turn off the fusebox. Keep the fusebox on and stay in lit rooms to reduce hunt frequency. With the lights off the Mare can hunt at 60% sanity, with the lights on it can hunt at 40%.

High Danger


Revenants are the most dangerous kind of ghost. They can run much quicker than players. Revenants are intended to be able to switch targets at will, but this feature appears to be broken currently. If the revenant cannot see a player it will move very slowly.

Low Danger


Less likely to show itself. Shades will hunt less frequently around groups of players together.

High Danger


The demon will hunt at 70% sanity more frequently now!

Demons hunt very frequently and idle for less time. Rarely they will begin hunting at 70% sanity. Asking the demon a question successfully with the Ouija board will not lower your sanity as with other ghosts.

Medium Danger


Yureis drain sanity twice as fast as other ghosts when you are looking at them. Smudging will stop Yurei's from hunting for 90 seconds.

Low Danger


The Poltergeist has been given the Oni's throwing super-throw power. The Oni now drains sanity quicker during events and blinks less frequently during hunts.

Onis become more active around groups of people. They drain sanity twice as quickly as other ghost's while doing a ghost event. Oni's stay visible for longer between blinks while hunting.

Low Danger


Yokais are more likely to hunt if players speak out loud near them. When hunting the Yokai's hearing range is smaller than that of other ghosts.

Medium Danger


Sometimes does a unique freezing breath ghost event. Hantus hunt more frequently and move faster when the building is cold. They move slower if the building is warm.

Low Danger


You must use a video camera to see the Goryo walking through the DOTS projector, it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Goryo's will not show up on camera when near players. They 'are rarely seen far from their place of death' suggesting they wander less frequently. Guaranteed to give DOTS evidence on Nightmare difficulty.

High Danger


Quieter than other ghosts while hunting!

Myling's are more active and make noise more frequently than other ghosts. When hunting they are significantly quieter than other ghosts.

Low Danger


Rarely leaves evidence of having interacted with the environment. Fingerprints that are left have a 50% chance of disappearing after 1 minute, instead of the 2 for other ghosts. Sometimes leaves behind 'unique' evidence including a 6-fingered handprint. Leaves less footprints than other ghosts and has a 40-50% chance of leaving fingerprints on interaction (as opposed to guaranteed for other fingerprint ghosts). Guaranteed to leave fingerprints evidence on Nightmare difficulty.

Medium Danger


Can hunt at 65% sanity if no fire is near it!

Fire will prevent the Onryo from hunting. When trying to hunt near fire, it will instead extinguish the fire. May ignore sanity and hunt if fire is put out near it. Each time it gets a kill, the likelihood of a hunt occurring after a fire is put out increases. Has an increased chance to blow out flames.

High Danger


Can hunt at 65% when near electronic equipment that is turned on!

Moves quicker near electronic devices, even during hunts. Disrupts electronic equipment in a larger range than other ghosts. Turning equipment off or putting it away (switching it out of your hands) will prevent the ghost from using its ability near you. Head cameras and sound/motion sensors don't count as electronics.

High Danger

The Twins

Two ghosts, either of which can be angered. When they interact with the environment they do so simultaneously, one in the ghost room and one somewhere else. They can begin a hunt at either of their positions. The twin outside the ghost room cannot set off motion sensors and does not interact with most evidence tools (except EMF).

High Danger

The Mimic

Can emulate ghosts that have the ability to hunt early!

Can emulate the abilities of other ghosts (e.g. leaving the Obake's unique 6-finger evidence) and may switch emulated ghost during the round. Can give ghost orbs evidence AS WELL as its other pieces of evidence. Will give three pieces of evidence on Nightmare difficulty.

High Danger


Gets faster as the overall average sanity drops. Can curse a particular player when it responds to them via the spirit box. The curse causes the player to lose sanity more quickly only while in the area they received the response. Multiple players can be cursed at one time. Take sanity pills to remove the curse. Smudge sticks are stronger against this ghost, causing it to lose track of you for longer when smudged during a hunt. The Moroi will always have spirit box as evidence on Nightmare difficulty.

Medium Danger


Can hunt at as high as 75% sanity!

Very active when its room is entered for the first time, becoming less active the longer players have remained in its room. Starts with the ability to hunt at 75% sanity. As players spend more and more time in its room, it will hunt at lower and lower minimum sanities, eventually requiring the overall average to be 15% or lower to hunt. It will grow less and less active as players spend more time in its room. This ghost will be very fast during hunts at the start of the round, eventually becoming slower than players. It will not speed up when it gains line of sight of a player like other ghosts. Players can tell how weak the Thaye is by listening for the speed of its footsteps during hunts.

High Danger


Always knows where all players are!

Can always see every player, no matter how far away they are. Hiding is ineffective as the Deogen will always find you. It will target the player closest to it when it begins hunting, but is able to switch targets if another player gets closer to it than its current target. The Deogen will be faster the farther its target is from it, but becomes slower than players as it gets closer. It has a unique, but rare, response on spirit boxes where it will respond with heavy breathing instead of answering a question.